Friday 26 April 2013

Solar Cell Process Part-4

Solar Cell Process Flow Chart

First Step of the silicon solar cell processing in cell process lab is wafer inspecting. Through this process we choose the cells which forward for next step.
Second Step of the process is etching. For this purpose D.I H2O and HCl is used.
Third Step of the cell process is texturing in which KOH is used and cell is ready for next step.
Fourth Step is diffusing. In this process cell is diffused in the furnace with Ar, O2 and PH3.
Fifth Step of the cell process is sheet resistivity.
Sixth Step of the process is BSF printing then baking the cell in the furnace.
Seventh Step of the process is edge grinding to remove the paste around the cell.
Eighth Step of the cell process Alloying.
Ninth Step in the cell process lab for cell is residue cleaning for this purpose D.I Water and HCL is used.

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